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Library and Media Center

The library/media center is used by students and staff for reading, studying and researching. This facility is a place for quiet work; it is not a social center.

The library/media center is open from the first bell of the day to the last bell of the day. In order to enter the library, students must always have a pass or be accompanied by a faculty member or the representative of an authorized support group.

Students and faculty may check out books and materials. Materials or books that are damaged or lost must be paid by the person who checked it out. Students owing money for lost books may not check out any other books or materials until the matter is resolved.

Computers are available for research and homework completion use only.

Contact Information

Shelby S. Marr

Phone: (505) 764-2000 ext. 20859

Important Links


For access to online resources visit ClassLink from anywhere. Enter your APS school ID and password.

Online Resources

See your librarian for database usernames and passwords.
